Landesamt für Digitalisierung, Breitband und Vermessung - Agency for Digitisation, High-Speed Internet and Surveying

Our organisation and products at a glance

Our environment is changing constantly. For this reason, the current documentation in aerial photographs, maps and in the real estate cadastre is an ongoing task for the Agency for Digitisation, High-Speed Internet and Surveying (LDBV). The authority is in a constant development process and connects tradition and modernity. Today, with the IT Service Centre of the Free State of Bavaria (IT-DLZ) and the Bavarian High-Speed Internet Centre, we also offer IT services for the state administration and support for the extension of the high-speed Internet. The LDBV sees itself as a service provider for the citizens of Bavaria: authoritative, reliable, fast - from surveying to High-Speed Internet support.

  • innovative technology
  • central contact for official cadastral surveying in Bavaria
  • more than 200 years of tradition
  • official quality
  • throughout Bavaria


IT Service Centre of the Free State of Bavaria
The IT Service Centre of the Free State of Bavaria (IT-DLZ) has the task of providing powerful and future oriented E-Government applications as well as infrastructures for operating IT systems for the state administration and courts in Bavaria.

Spatial Data Infrastructure Bavaria
The Spatial Data Infrastructure Bavaria ("Geodateninfrastruktur Bayern", GDI-BY) creates the technical and organisational framework for making spatial geodata available to administrative, scientific and economic bodies als well as citizens. Thus, spatial data from different fields become usable in a simple and harmonised way - from land use to wind energy.

The BayernLabs are an initiative of the Bavarian State Ministry of Finance, Regional Development and Regional Identity. In the labs you can expect topics and trends concerning progressive digitalisation. This means that centres for digital knowledge creation are available to the public in rural areas.

High- Speed Internet

Bavarian High-Speed Internet Centre Amberg
The main tasks are the improvement of high-speed Internet access within the framework of the funding program, coordination of counselling by high-speed Internet managers, optimisation of consultation quality as well as the networking of all parties involved in the high-speed Internet expansion in Bavaria.

Bavarian WLAN Centre Straubing
Bavaria will be the first federal state with its own WLAN network. By the year 2020, up to 20,000 hotspots will be made available free of charge in the BayernWLAN. The BayernWLAN Centre in Straubing is the central location for setting up and operating the BayernWLAN hotspots.


Bavarian Agency for Digitization, High-Speed Internet and Surveying
based in Munich is the central point of contact for the entire field of official cadastral surveying in Bavaria and is responsible for geotopography and geospatial reference data.

Agencies for Digitisation, High-Speed Internet and Surveying in Bavaria
are responsible for land surveying and for safeguarding property. The management of the real estate cadastre is just as much a statutory mandate as the surveying of new buildings.

The officials who establish and protect land boundary markers are partners of the Bavarian Surveying an Mapping Authority and Custodians of the Borders in cooperation with the Agencies for Digitization, High-Speed Internet and Surveying. Officials who establish and protect land boundary markers exercise the oldest municipal honorary function in Bavaria.

Our online offerings


overview of our maps, aerial photographs  and other themes

Link to BayernAtlas

online shop

order our geodata online

Link to GeodatenOnline


our products for free download

Link to OpenData

Our products

Our geospatial reference data provides the basis for numerous projects in commerce and administration. The high information content can be used profitably for the individual planning of leisure time.

Authoritative benchmark, real estate cadastre and topographic-cartographic information systems compile the data of the authoritative surveying into a uniform comprehensive dataset. This results in nationwide standardised data formats like the standard based Exchange Interface (NAS) and Shape.

Online services of the Bavarian Surveying an Mapping Authority offer the possibility to query geodata around the clock.

  • authoritative quality
  • current geospatial
  • high informational content
  • nationwide standardised data formats
  • for information and planning relating to land
  • aAccess via Web Map and Web Feature Services (WMS, WFS)

Spatial reference

Highly accurate position, height and gravity control stations provide the basis for land and engineering surveys as well as for the planning, implementation and monitoring of small and large scale building projects.

With the Authoritative Control Point Information System (AFIS) nationwide data supply is possible.

The Satellite Positioning Service SAPOS provides correction data that ensures exact position determination in Germany by means of satellites.

To check your GPS receiver, the Bavarian Surveying an Mapping Authority offers specific control points to the exact centimetre, so-called geodetic reference points.

Real Estate Cadastre

We offer you information on plots and buildings relating to the land.
In the cadastre or Real Estate Cadastre, the shape, size, locality, usage as well as ownership status of all properties - land and buildings - are described nationwide.
The Authoritative Real Estate Cadastre Information System (ALKIS) establishes a nationwide uniform standard for the data of the Real Estate Cadastre.

You can find your competent administrative office by entering your postcode or place of residence on the following page:



Topographic maps are distinguished by their high information content and topicality. They are available in digital or analogue form.

The Digital Landscape Model is part of the Authoritative Topographic-Cartographic Information System (ATKIS). The nationwide standardised regulations are suitable as a database for specialised information systems, spatial analyses and simulations.

Our historical maps underline the 200 year old tradition of the Bavarian Surveying and Mapping Authority.

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The following links refer to our German websites

  • Kartenausschnitt aus der DOK von Hofheim in Unterfranken
    © LDBV

    Topographic maps

    The official topographical maps
    1:25 000 show Bavaria in detail. The ATK25 offers you diverse map content with current walking and cycling paths for individual recreational activities.



  • Vermessung innerorts, Frau am Tachymeter
    © Bettina Goß

    Boundary surveying

    The definition and boundary marking of property boundaries contribute to the security of the property. Clear boundaries prevent disputes and ensure good neighbourliness.



  • Verschiedene Ausschnitte aus Produkten der BVV
    © BVV


    Get our test data



  • neonfabenes Gitternetz aus Dreiecken bildet Landschaftsoberfläche nach
    © LDBV

    For universities

    We offer a wide product range. Geodata support varied and interdisciplinary work in research and teaching or in student research and doctoral dissertations.